Basically , we need a hightech accounting system . そのためには 高度な積算システムが 必要です
The methodology used by the agency takes account on integrated values of average ambient temperatures between the fall of the previous year and the current month based on data on flowering dates and average ambient temperatures in the past , the actual and forecasted ambient temperatures during the current year . ここでは、過去の開花日や平均気温、その年の気温の状況や予想などのデータを元に前年秋からの平均気温の積算値を考慮した方法を使っている。
Mediation attempts were made through discussions among the university , kyoto prefecture and the local people concerned , and they were reconciled in april 1923 according to the following conditions that modified some portions of the original contract details: the land-owning-person-side right of acquiring profit from cutting woods there should be transferred to the university side , and the person with the right to use the land should pay the land-owning person 220 ,000 yen that amounted to the accumulation of interests for land rent over 39 years , to compensate for the transfer of the right . 結局、大学、京都府、地元を交えた議論の中で調停が行われ、1923年4月に契約の一部を修正して、地権者側の伐採収益取得の権利を地上権者側に譲渡し、地上権者側は代償として、39年間の借地料金利の積算額である22万円を同年中に地権者側に支払うことで和解した。