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  • make excuses about why one's work can't be done within one's time schedule
  • 締め     締め しめ summing up judo choking (strangling) techniques
  • 切り     切り きり limits end bounds period place to leave off closing sentence all there
  • まで     まで 迄 until till doing as far as
  • 仕事     仕事 しごと work occupation employment
  • わら     わら 藁 straw
  • なか     なか 中 inside middle among 仲 relation relationship
  • 理由     理由 りゆう reason pretext motive
  • 弁明     弁明 べんめい explanation excuse vindication apology
  • する     する 為る to do to try to play to practice to cost to serve as to pass to elapse
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • までに     までに 迄に by not later than before
  • かった     かった カッタ cutter
  • 締め切り     締め切り しめきり closing cut-off end deadline Closed No Entrance
  • 弁明する     弁明する v. **excuse /ikskjú?z, eks-/ |他| 【D】 [SV oneself for
  • 定められた期日までに仕事が終わらなかった理由を弁明する    make excuses about why one's work can't be done within one's time schedule
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