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  • 1. awareness of one's sinfulness
    2. feeling of guilt
    3. self-reproach / self-reproof
    4. sense of guilt
    5. sense of sin


  • If anybody's going to feel guilty , it's going to be you .
    罪の意識は 無いのか?
  • I felt his pain and his guilt and his addiction .
    彼の痛みを感じた 罪の意識も 中毒感情や
  • I felt his pain and his guilt and his addiction .
    彼の痛みを感じた 罪の意識も 中毒感情や
  • I can never get rid of the guilt for what i did .
    どうしても罪の意識から 逃れられなくて
  • His dad feels guilty , helps him cover it up .
    父親は罪の意識を感じて かばい立てしている
  • How can you even ask me that ? i'm just saying .
    ただ あなたの罪の意識に問うてるだけよ
  • We even feel guilty if we're seen playing at work .
  • He couldn't take the guilt anymore and ...
    罪の意識に 耐えかねて...。 「ごめん 無理」
  • And now they have to live with that guilt .
  • This guy doesn't have the slightest sense of guilt ...
    この男は 健次郎を殺した 罪の意識など
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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