It's a bad idea . but i'm all about bad ideas . それはまずい だが 私はまずい考えを支持する
With this sort of evidence that supports ハリーの考えを支持する証拠が
Tends to support your idea 君の考えを支持する傾向がある
His minimal digital footprint tends to support your idea that he did secret work for the government , but it also makes it exceedingly difficult to determine the true nature of any threat . 彼の最小限のデジタル足跡 君の考えを支持する傾向がある 政府のために 秘密の仕事をしたから
People or parties who support those ideas were called ' taigaiko group ' and they were at peak over the period from the revision of treaty in the end of the meiji period to the japanese-sino war , japanese-russo war , and annexation of korea . こうした考えを支持する人々・党派を対外硬派(たいがいこうは)と呼び、明治後期の条約改正から日清戦争・日露戦争、韓国併合の時期に最も盛んであった。