心から(人)の考えを支持する subscribe to someone's theory wholeheartedly
After keichu advocated that the manyoshu was initially completed in 16 volumes , and that volume 17 to 20 were added later to create a second version , there have been various opinions about the matter; there is a great deal of evidence to support the opinion that the manyoshu was divided at volume 16 , including that the table of contents goes up to volume 15 in old manuscripts like ' genryaku kohon ' (revised version in genryaku era ) and ' amagasaki-bon ' (manuscript of manyoshu found in amagasaki ), the citation of earlier sources , and the categorization by budate . 契沖が万葉集は巻1~16で一度完成し、その後巻17~20が増補されたという万葉集二度撰説を唱えて以来、この問題に関しては数多くの議論がなされてきたが、巻15までしか目録が存在しない古写本(「元暦校本」「尼崎本」等)の存在や先行資料の引用の仕方、部立による分類の有無など、万葉集が巻16を境に分かれるという考え方を支持する証拠は多い。