Kashiwadebe (working in the imperial kitchens ) (tomo no miyatsuko [servant of the court administering a group ]) 160 members . 膳部(伴部) 160名
Kashiwade no hokikimi no iratsume (year of birth unknown - april 7 , 622 ) was a woman in the nara period . 膳部菩岐々美郎女(かしわでのほききみのいらつめ 生年不詳 - 推古天皇30年2月21日 (旧暦)(622年4月7日))は飛鳥時代の女性。
Umaya no himemiko (date of birth and death unknown ) was the eighth child (fourth princess ) between prince shotoku and kashiwadenominoiratsume . 馬屋古女王(うまやこのひめみこ、生没年不詳)は、聖徳太子と膳部菩岐々美郎女の第8子(第4王女)。
The tomb is sankotsuichibyo , meaning three coffins in one mausoleum , as shotoku taishi is buried with anahobe no hashihito no himemiko and kashiwade no hokikimi no iratsume . 穴穂部間人皇女と膳部菩岐々美郎女を合葬する三骨一廟。
It is said that the name of mt . zenbu (膳部山 ) in fukui prefecture came from the name of the kashiwade clan (膳氏 ) (both have the same kanji character , 膳 , with different readings ), and many large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds remain around mt . zenbu . 実際に福井県の膳部山は膳氏の名前が由来であると言われ、膳部山周囲に多数の前方後円墳が残る。
It is said that the name of mt . zenbu (膳部山 ) in fukui prefecture came from the name of the kashiwade clan (膳氏 ) (both have the same kanji character , 膳 , with different readings ), and many large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds remain around mt . zenbu . 実際に福井県の膳部山は膳氏の名前が由来であると言われ、膳部山周囲に多数の前方後円墳が残る。
His career is unknown except for the fact that he was appointed as mizushidokoro shoteigai kashiwadebe (a post to take care of the emperor ' s food ) in 954 and daisakan (a fourth rank officer ) of settsu province in 958 . 954年(天暦8年)御厨子所定外膳部、958年(天徳 (日本)2年)摂津国大目(おおさかん)に任命されたことが知られる以外経歴については未詳。
However , with the level of critics of historical materials on takahashi uji bumi , the description of mt . zenbu first appeared during the edo period , so some say the relationship between the kashiwade clan and mt . zenbu was low key . しかし高橋氏文の史料批判の程度とともに、膳部山の記載は江戸時代に初めて登場し、膳氏と膳部山との関連性は低いと主張する説もある。
However , with the level of critics of historical materials on takahashi uji bumi , the description of mt . zenbu first appeared during the edo period , so some say the relationship between the kashiwade clan and mt . zenbu was low key . しかし高橋氏文の史料批判の程度とともに、膳部山の記載は江戸時代に初めて登場し、膳氏と膳部山との関連性は低いと主張する説もある。
In 622 , umayado no miko collapsed in the ikaruga no miya palace , and on april 10th , his wife kashiwade no hokikimi no iratsume died while praying for the recovery of her husband , and on april 11th , umayado no miko died . 推古天皇30年(622年)、斑鳩宮で倒れた厩戸皇子の回復を祈りながらの厩戸皇子妃・膳部菩岐々美郎女が2月21日に没し、その後を追うようにして翌22日、厩戸皇子は亡くなった。