Run to the reserves , bring the ammunition boxes ! 予備隊 へ 行 っ て 弾薬箱を取 っ て こ い
Pretty sure the medicine was in a drawer in the living room . たしか和室の 引き出しの中にあったよな 薬箱。
Pretty sure the medicine was in a drawer in the living room . たしか和室の 引き出しの中にあったよな 薬箱。
Josai vendors walked strongly at a pace so that the metal parts of their medicine chests and the pole knocked against each other to make distinguished noises , by which the neighbors were aware of the vendor . また力強く一定の調子で歩いた為、薬箱と金具や天秤棒のぶつかり合う音が独特の音となり近隣に知らせた。
It is said that josai vendors were around until 1955 , selling chinese herbal drugs by carrying them in a pair of medicine chests on a pole and they wore the same hanten (a short coat originally for craftsmen worn over a kimono ) as monouri in the edo period . ---昭和30年頃まで存在したといわれ、江戸時代の物売りそのままの装束で半纏(はんてん)を身にまとい、天秤棒で薬箱を両端に掛け担いで漢方薬を売っていた。