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"薬箱"の例文"薬箱" 意味"薬箱" 中国語の意味


  • 薬箱
    medicine box
  • 弾薬箱    弾薬箱 ammunition box[機械]; ammunition box[航宇]; ammunition chest[航宇]
  • 火薬箱    powder chest
  • 四角い薬箱    四角い薬箱 scatula[医生]
  • 弾薬箱 1    1. ammunition box 2. ammunition can 3. ammunition chest 4. cartridge box 5. wooden box 弾薬箱 2 caisson〔大きな〕
  • 金属製弾薬箱    ammunition chest
  • 薬筒    薬筒 cartridge[航宇]
  • 薬筆    薬筆 pencil[医生]
  • 薬箱に薬を備えておく    stock a medicine cabinet
  • 薬種商    second-class drug seller
  • 薬籠    薬籠 やくろう medicine chest (container)
  • 薬種の     【形】 pharmacopoeial
  • 薬籠中の物    薬籠中の物 やくろうちゅうのもの complete mastery of or over at one's beck and call
  • 薬種    薬種 やくしゅ drugs
  • 薬粒    powder grain


  • Run to the reserves , bring the ammunition boxes !
    予備隊 へ 行 っ て 弾薬箱を取 っ て こ い
  • Pretty sure the medicine was in a drawer in the living room .
    たしか和室の 引き出しの中にあったよな 薬箱
  • Pretty sure the medicine was in a drawer in the living room .
    たしか和室の 引き出しの中にあったよな 薬箱
  • Josai vendors walked strongly at a pace so that the metal parts of their medicine chests and the pole knocked against each other to make distinguished noises , by which the neighbors were aware of the vendor .
  • It is said that josai vendors were around until 1955 , selling chinese herbal drugs by carrying them in a pair of medicine chests on a pole and they wore the same hanten (a short coat originally for craftsmen worn over a kimono ) as monouri in the edo period .
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