In 846 , he challenged sadaiben (major executive officer of the left ) masamio on the principle of law at the time of the case of priest zengai and brought down five of his co-worker benkan , including masamio . 846年、僧善愷(ぜんがい)の裁判事件でと法理を争い、左大弁正躬王(まさみおう)ら同僚の5人の弁官全員を失脚させる。
Yasutoki wrote , ' this shikimoku was produced as the criteria by which to abolish the unfairness that persons with power win and persons without power lose for nearly the same charges in many lawsuits , and to hold fair trials without any favoritism regardless of the positions of such persons .' 「多くの裁判事件で同じような訴えでも強い者が勝ち、弱い者が負ける不公平を無くし、身分の高下にかかわらず、えこひいき無く公正な裁判をする基準として作ったのがこの式目である。