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  • back up the theory


  • All points at issue that support the enthronement theory were shown in the book by ban and the prince otomo enthronement theory became a common view .
  • The following sections describe issues that support the enthronement theory and some objections to them from the viewpoint of the non-enthronement theory .
  • Other grounds that support the views that the mastermind of the plot was the imperial court are that , after the battle of yamazaki , nobutaka oda tenaciously searched for sakihisa konoe by issuing an order to track down and dispose of him , that kanemi yoshida was interrogated for information , and that the original contents of " kanemikyo-ki " (diary of kanemi ), which is the first class historical material for that time , were missing for approximately one month around honnoji incident and the section for 1582 was rewritten .
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