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  • 1. condition of peace〔condition(条件)は通例、複数形の conditions を用いる〕
    2. peace terms
    3. terms of peace


  • Then as a term of making peace with hideyoshi , he made his second son , ogimaru (later he was known as hideyasu yuki ), adopted by hideyoshi and sent ogimaru to osaka .
  • In 1351 , aiming to recover power , takauji reached peace with the southern court they were reconciled , establishing the shohei itto and unifying the era names .
  • At this time , however , japan did not accept the conditions , because it aimed at the complete occupation of the liaodong peninsula as a precondition of a post-war domain .
  • It can be considered that he relied on the terms of peace formed upon surrendering kakegawa-jo castle , but protecting the former provincial lord also gave ieyasu an excuse for invading suruga .
  • Therefore , while negotiating peace , hideyoshi proposed conditions of peace unacceptable to ming , such that a princess of ming marry the emperor of japan and the cession of the southern part of korea and required the dispatch of an envoy to surrender from ming .
  • Germany once conveyed its consent to the peace conditions to japan on april 6 , but germany ' s then-prime minister , chlodwig karl victor fürst zu hohenlohe-schillingsfürst , and then-foreign minister , marshall , proposed a concerted intervention in japan ' s affairs with other world powers .
  • The second largest ikki , kaga ikko ikki , in which the ikki force fought against katsuie shibata , continued even after nobunaga and kennyo ordered them to cease the battle because the peace agreement included a provision to return the two districts , enuma and nomi in kaga province to hongan-ji temple .
  • The hojo and tokugawa clans settled a territorial dispute by giving the tokugawa clan kai and shinano provinces and the hojo clan kozuke province , but the peace terms were unfavorable for the hojo clan , because it had to waver the territorial rights of saku and oagata counties of shinano province and the gunnai region of kai county .
  • Yoshihisa , the eldest child , seems to have used the vassals who were against hideyoshi and toshihisa to obtain advantageous conditions of peace (shoryo ando , act of providing authorization for land ownership and guaranteeing feudal tenure , of the three provinces , satsuma , osumi and hyuga ) with kamigata (kyoto and osaka area ).
  • In addition , applying the ordinance on the status of civil servant minister of education yuzuru kubota temporarily suspended tomizu in august 1905 because at the end of russo-japanese war tomizu insisted that peace terms should be 3 billion yen as reparation , cession of sakhalin , enkai shu (maritime provinces ), polustrov kamchatka .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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