We'll be seeing you starting tomorrow then . 近所付き合い 上手! そっかな~
It's important to get along with your neighbors , isn't it ? ご近所付き合いとかも 大事ですもんね。
I don't see any eagerness in you ! 近所付き合い 上手! そっかな~
There is also mujin in neighborly ties and working places , and it is practiced in alumni associations . 近所付き合いや職場での無尽、同窓会内で行われる無尽などがある。
It is also called ' yui ,' and implies fundamental mutual aid regardless of one ' s occupation or position , and is supposed to be voluntary , so it can be considered a social obligation in relationship with one ' s neighbors (or jubu relationship ). - 「結い」ともいい、職業や立場など関係ない根源的な相互扶助であり、無償である事が前提である普請で近所付き合い(十分の付き合い)ともいえる。