- get a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom
- 退屈 退屈 たいくつ tedium boredom
- より より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
- 働き 働き はたらき work workings activity ability talent function labor action operation
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- 死ぬ 死ぬ しぬ to die
- とい とい 問い question query 樋 water pipe gutter
- いう いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
- 大き 大き おおき big large
- 持つ 持つ もつ to hold to carry to possess
- つ つ 偸 steal
- という という と言う said called thus
- 働き過ぎ 1. overactivity 2. overwork
- 働き過ぎて死ぬ work oneself to death
- 働き過ぎて死ぬ work oneself to death
- 彼は働き過ぎだ。 He is overworking himself.