- thank someone for his thoughtfulness in sending〔~を〕
- くれ くれ 暮れ year end sunset nightfall end
- 配慮 配慮 はいりょ consideration concern forethought
- る る 僂 bend over
- 述べる 述べる のべる to state to express to mention
- (人)の 1. beyond someone's reach / beyond the reach of someone 2. change of someone's
- ~を送ってくれた配慮に対し礼を言う thank someone for his consideration in sending〔人が〕
- _週間前に(人)が送ってくれた~に対し心から感謝の意を述べる thank someone most sincerely for ~ he sent one __ weeks ago
- _週間前に(人)が送ってくれた~に対し心の底から感謝の意を述べる thank someone most sincerely for ~ he sent one __ weeks ago
- の用命に対し礼を述べる thank someone for giving the opportunity to serve〔人から〕
- ~を送ってくれたことに対し礼を言うよう(人)に指示する direct someone to thank someone for sending〔人が〕
- 配慮に対し取り急ぎ礼を述べる take a moment to thank someone for his consideration〔人の〕
- クリスマスカードを送ってくれたことに対しこの機会に礼を述べる take this opportunity to thank someone for the Christmas card he sent to〔人が〕
- _月_日に(人)からファクスで送られた手紙に対し礼を述べる thank someone for his faxed letter of
- 本件解決に向けての(人)の努力に対し礼を述べる thank someone for his efforts in resolving the matter
- の好意と理解に対し礼を述べる thank someone for his courtesies and understanding〔人から〕