大勢に逆行する swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
時代に逆行する 1. go against the times 2. row against the current [stream] 3. row against the flood 4. row against the tide 5. row against the wind 6. run counter to the times 7. turn back the clock 8. turn the cl
時勢に逆行する swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
時流に逆行する swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
流れに逆行する swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
その逆行軌道を走行する travel in the retrograde orbit《天文》〔天体が〕
世間の風潮に逆行する swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times)
That's right , we're going back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu . そのとおりだ。 我らは時間を逆行する。 最初の感謝祭のメニューから 七面鳥を外すために。
Because it takes time and effort to make wooden movable type and because wood block printing was easier to deal with when reprinting again and again , wooden movable type soon fell out of use and the history of printing in japan appeared to progress backwards from wooden movable type to wood block printing . 制作に手間がかかり、また繰り返し版を重ねるには木版印刷の方が容易であることから、やがて木活字は衰え、日本の印刷の歴史は活字印刷から木版印刷に逆行するような形となった。