- sit slumped in one's dressing gown
- 部屋 部屋 へや room
- まま まま 先々 先先 well, well 儘 as it is as one likes because as 間々 間間 occasionally
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- カリ カリ kali[医生]; potash[医生]
- 座る 座る すわる to sit
- る る 僂 bend over
- 部屋着 部屋着 へやぎ dressing gown loungewear
- 部屋着の 【形】 undress
- 部屋着でドッカリと座る sit slumped in one's dressing gown
- 部屋着の 【形】 undress
- 着の身着のままで with only the barest necessities
- ドッカリと置く plunk down
- 着の身着のままで逃げる 着の身着のままで逃げる v. run away with nothing but the clothes one wears. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 着の身着のまま)
- 着のみ着のままで避難する seek shelter without any belongings
- 着のみ着のまま not worry about what sort of clothes they wear