Nagano normal school (the faculty of education of shinshu university ) 長野師範学校(信州大学教育学部)
it was written 香具師 (literally , perfume practitioner ) with chinese characters and also 野士 (mountain priest ), 野師 (wild practitioner ), 弥四 (part of man ' s name ' yashiro ' ), however all of them are pronounced as ' yashi .' 野士・野師・弥四とも表記し、すべて「やし」と読む。
It was written 香具師 (literally , perfume practitioner ) with chinese characters and also 野士 (mountain priest ), 野師 (wild practitioner ), 弥四 (part of man ' s name ' yashiro ' ), however all of them are pronounced as ' yashi .' 野士・野師・弥四とも表記し、すべて「やし」と読む。
However , the head of the enya family was given a sentence of seppuku for injuring moronao kono with his sword in the castle , and after his seppuku , the family was terminated (this setting was based on " kanadehon chushingura " ). しかし、塩冶家は主君が城内で高野師直に刃傷に及んだ罪を問われて切腹し、家名も断絶となっていた(『仮名手本忠臣蔵』の設定)。