I'll make a list . but also how the installments are spaced . リストを作成し 期間をおいて分割払いで
Which means , by the time he got to me 30秒ほど間をおいてから
She paused and said , i don't know if that's 6 ,000 yuan or ちょっと間をおいて続けました 「6千元だったかしら それとも
On the left side along the run , three targets are placed a specified distance apart . 進行方向左手に間をおいて3つの的を立てる。
After yukifuji nikaido died in august , 1302 , yukisada nikaido was reassigned three months later , this bland period indicated aberrance of personnel affairs under tokuso sadatoki hojo . そしてその二階堂行藤が1302年(乾元 (日本)元年)8月に没したあと、3ヶ月の空白期間をおいて二階堂行貞が再任されるが、この空白の3ヶ月は得宗北条貞時の元での人事の迷走を物語っている。
The reason why sake breweries provide a period for maturing before shipment while advising to " drink " as soon as possible ," is that they ship sake when the sake quality reaches the optimum taste after a certain time period for storage required for maturing . 「早く飲むべきである」と言いつつも、酒蔵側が出荷前に熟成の期間をおく理由は、貯蔵・熟成の期間をおいて最高の酒質になったときを見計らって出荷するからである。
There is a description about a custom in osumi province (present eastern area of the kagoshima prefecture ) that all men and women prepared water and rice , chewed uncooked rice and regurgitated it to containers , and that after it began to smell of alcohol more than one night later , all of them drank it . 大隅国(今の鹿児島県東部)では村中の男女が水と米を用意して生米を噛んでは容器に吐き戻し、一晩以上の時間をおいて酒の香りがし始めたら全員で飲む風習があることが記されている。
As visual and hearing disabilities had almost nothing to do with heredity , once a member of the todo-za was recognized for his achievements in heikyoku (a traditional musical narrative on the tale of heike ), sangen (or samisen -a three ringed instrument ) and acupuncture , the 73 ranks up to kengyo were sequentially opened up to the blind officers after certain intervals of time . また、視覚障害は世襲とはほとんど関係ないため、平曲、三絃や鍼灸の業績が認められれば一定の期間をおいて検校まで73段に及ぶ盲官位が順次与えられた。