雷に打たれて死んだ の英語
She was struck dead by lightning. たれ たれ 誰 adjectival suffix for a person 垂れ hanging straw curtain lapel pocket flapだ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism 死んだ 【形】 1. belly-up〈俗〉 2. daisy-pushing 3. dead 4. deceased 5. defunct 6.雷に打たれて死ぬ be killed by lightning 雷に打たれた 【形】 thunderstruck 雷に打たれる be hit with a thunderbolt 落雷に打たれる be hit by a stroke of lightning 家が雷に打たれてけがをする be injured as lightning hit one's home 雲という雲の中を覗き込もうとする者は、雷に打たれてしまう。 He that pries into every cloud, may be stricken with a thunderbolt. 雷に打たれたように(人)は(主語)に気付く hit someone like a thunderbolt 水に打たれて修行する perform cold water ablutions by a fall 滝に打たれて修行する perform cold water ablutions by a fall 感に打たれる be moved 滝に打たれる 1. perform cold water ablutions by a fall 2. stand under a waterfall 雨に打たれる be exposed to the rain
Eight years after his death , naniwa no tsunefusa was believed to have been killed by lightening at the nonobiki waterfall in settsu province , where he accompanied kiyomori and was hit by a sudden thunder storm . それから8年後、難波経房は清盛のお伴をして摂津国布引の滝を見物に行った時、にわかに雷雨となり、雷に打たれて死んだ という。