- 1. __ years in a row
2. an unbroken __-year
3. the __th year in a row
- 連続 連続 れんぞく serial consecutive continuity occurring in succession continuing
- _年連続で 1. for the __ years running 2. for the __th straight year
- _年連続の the __th straight year of
- _年連続上昇 __th straight year of increase
- _年連続下落 __th straight year of decline
- _年連続増加 __th straight year of increase
- _年連続減少 __th straight year of decline
- _年連続で減る drop for a record __ years
- _年連続の上昇 __th straight year of increase
- _年連続の下落 __th straight year of decline
- _年連続の増加 __th straight year of increase
- _年連続の減少 __th straight year of decline
- _年連続優勝する win the past __ years
- _年連続起こる happen in __ consecutive years
- _年連続で_人を突破する continue to top the __-mark for the __th consecutive year