- 1. for the __ years running
2. for the __th straight year
- 連続 連続 れんぞく serial consecutive continuity occurring in succession continuing
- で で 出 outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- 連続で in one stretch
- _年連続 1. __ years in a row 2. an unbroken __-year 3. the __th year in a row
- _年連続で減る drop for a record __ years
- 2年連続で 1. for the second consecutive year 2. for the second year in a row
- _年連続で_人を突破する continue to top the __-mark for the __th consecutive year
- _年連続で_人を上回ったままである continue to top the __-mark for the __th consecutive year
- _年連続でマイナス成長となる experience __ consecutive years of negative growth
- _年連続でレースタイトルを獲得する capture the race title for the __ straight year
- _年連続で収支が見合うようにする balance __ budgets in a row
- _年連続で核廃絶決議案を提出する submit __ consecutive resolutions against nuclear arms
- _年連続で財政赤字を出さない balance __ budgets in a row
- _年連続で首位打者になる win the batting title __ years in a row
- _年連続 1. __ years in a row 2. an unbroken __-year 3. the __th year in a row