- A __% price decrease results in a __% sales increase.
- 売上 売上 うりあげ amount sold proceeds
- なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to be
- 値下げ 値下げ ねさげ cut in price
- _%の値下げ percent price cut
- _%の値下げ percent price cut
- _%の値下げで価格調整を図る adjust prices by reducing them by __%
- _%の値下げを活用する take advantage of discounts of __%
- _ドルの売上増加に結び付く lead to an increase in sales of $__
- _年間前年比減が続いた後の最初の売上増 first year-over-year sales increase after __ years of decline
- 緊急措置として_カ月の間_%の値下げを行う reduce prices __% for __ months as an emergency measure
- _部の売上目標 sales target of __ copies〔本やアルバムなどの〕
- 価格の値下げ price markdowns
- 運賃の値下げ 1. cut in fare 2. reduction in fare
- 過度の値下げ excessive discounts
- ガス代の値下げによる値引き額は電気代の値上げで少なくなるだろう The electric rate increase will whittle the discount by the gas rate decrease.