- permanent solution to an ethnic war between
- ~間 【連結】 cross- 間 1 1. betweenness 2. stint 間 2 as long as〔~の〕 間 3
- 間の 【形】 roomed
- 民族 民族 みんぞく people race nation racial customs folk customs
- 紛争 紛争 ふんそう dispute trouble strife
- 恒久 恒久 こうきゅう permanent perpetuity
- 解決 解決 かいけつ settlement solution resolution
- 決 決 けつ decision vote
- 紛争の 【形】 strife-torn
- 恒久的 恒久的 こうきゅうてき permanent perpetual lasting
- 民族紛争 an ethnic conflict
- 民族紛争の平和的解決 peaceful [pacific] settlement [resolution, solution] of an ethnic conflict
- 民族紛争の頻発 frequent ethnic conflicts
- 紛争の最終的解決 conclusive resolution of the conflicts
- 二国間の国境紛争の最終的解決 final settlement of the border dispute between the two countries
- 民族紛争を解決する 1. resolve ethnic conflicts 2. resolve the ethnic conflict 3. solve ethnic disputes