- permanent solution to an ethnic war between
民族紛争の平和的解決: peaceful [pacific] settlement [resolution, solution] of an ethnic conflict
民族紛争の頻発: frequent ethnic conflicts
紛争の最終的解決: conclusive resolution of the conflicts
二国間の国境紛争の最終的解決: final settlement of the border dispute between the two countries
民族紛争を解決する: 1. resolve ethnic conflicts 2. resolve the ethnic conflict 3. solve ethnic disputes
難民問題への恒久的な解決を探求する: seek permanent solutions to the problem of refugees
~間の紛争の解決: settlement of disputes between
紛争の平和的解決を促す: promote peaceful resolution of disputes
民族紛争の根底にある問題に取り組む: address the underlying causes of ethnic conflicts
恒久的な解決: permanent solution
民族間の紛争の火種: sparks of interracial disputes
地域紛争を恒久的に解決する: permanently resolve regional conflicts in〔~での〕
悲劇的な民族紛争: tragic ethnic conflict
民族紛争に苦しむ: suffer from the ethnic conflict
民族紛争を煽る: foment ethnic strife