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発音記号・読み方: [ (h)wail ]  
  • while日本語の意味:1while n. (短い)間.【動詞+】Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さいI'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だI spent a while in a coffee shop. コーヒーショップでしばらく過ご
  • whileの意味:1while n. (短い)間.【動詞+】Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さいI'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だI spent a while in a coffee shop. コーヒーショップでしばらく過ご