- It really got my uncle's goat when he cooked for three hours and no one ate the meal.
マイケルって言ってたよ。何か怪しかったから、ドア開けなかったの。ただお父さんはいないって言ったの。そしたらその人またあとで来るって言ってたけど、来なかったよ。: He said Michael. He looked suspicious, so I didn't open the door. I just said you were not here. Then he said he would come back later, but he never did.
本当ね。この子は本当に楽なのよ!何でも食べるから。今日ジャスティンのママに会ったんだけど、ジャスティンはピザかアメリカンドッグしか食べないんだって!: I know. She's so easy. She eats anything. I met Justin's mom today, and she said he eats only pizza and corndogs!
彼女は本当に彼とよりを戻したかった: She really wanted to get back with him.
勝手に冷蔵庫をあさって料理したよ: I just went into your refrigerator and cooked.
どうしてリンゴ食べなかったの?これ、お弁当袋から出てきたよ。: Why didn't you eat your apple? I found it in your lunch bag.
英国であなたと一緒に過ごした時間は本当にすてきだったから、こっちに戻ってきてからの生活に慣れるのにとても苦労しています。: I had such a wonderful time with you in England that it has been really difficult to come back here and settle in again.
国民は、彼が約束した変化を起こさなかったことに怒っているからね。: That's because people are upset he didn't make the changes he promised to.
本当に? 思っても見なかったよ: Really? I had no idea.
「この子、見慣れない物は食べないの」「うちもなのよ。いつだったかタイ料理を作ったの。別にそんな辛かったわけじゃないけど、あの子絶対食べなかったわ。臭かったんだって」: "She won't eat anything she's not familiar with." "My son, too. One day I made Thai food. It was not that spicy, but he wouldn't eat it. He said it stank."〔主婦同士の会話〕
道に迷って3日間も山の中をさまよった後、小さな村が目に入った時は本当にうれしかった: After I had lost in the mountains and wandered about for three three days, the little village was a sight for sore eyes.
そうだね、でも向こうでは肉は一口も食べなかったよ。: Yeah, but I didn't eat any meat there.
一晩何も食べなかった次の朝に起こる: occur in the morning after an all-night fast
学生用住宅で経験したことは本当に楽しかったとは思うんだけど、ほとんどが1年目の学生で、あと多少2年目の学生がいたっていう感じだったから、みんなあまり勉強の方ははかどらなかったわね。: I think my experience in the residence was a lot of fun, but we didn't get a lot of studying done, because it was mostly first-year students, some second-year students; but people were so interested
クラウディア!どうして今日の会議に来なかったのかい?君が来なかったから、みんながっかりしてたよ。: Claudia! Why didn't you come to the meeting today? We were very disappointed that you didn't show up.
本当に本当に、彼とは何もなかったのね?: Really and truly nothing happened with him?