- property n.
(1) 財産, 資産, 所有物; 所有地, 地所; 〔法律〕 所有権, 所有.【動詞+】+もっと...- Not only will you forfeit your property, but you may be subject to a fine.
- There is the prospect of big profits from the sale of properties they have left behind.
- The property occupied by the College is in grave danger of passing into other hands.
- the British legal tradition of passing property from father to eldest son, or in the absence of a son, to the closest male blood relative
父親から長男へ, もしくは男子がいない場合はもっとも近い男性の血縁者へ財産を譲渡するというイギリスの法律上の伝統
- If the police recover your stolen property, the serial number will help prove it's yours.
警察が盗まれた品を取り戻してくれたとき, それがあなたのものと証明するのに製造番号が役立つでしょう
【+動詞】- Surely my property entitles me to some say in the city's development plans.
【形容詞 名詞+】- It is rare to find such an attractive property so near to London.
- As soon as a person has had the misfortune to make himself a name, he becomes common property.
- A good educator should not be the exclusive property of the privileged classes.
- own high-priced properties from Hawaii to New York to London and Rome
ハワイからニューヨーク, ロンドン, ローマにかけて高価な不動産を所有している
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- Craigenputtock, a property of Mrs. Carlyle, is in the wilds of Dumfries.
カーライル夫人の所有地, クレイゲンパトックはダムフリーズの荒野にある
- property of various kinds, real and personal, fixed and movable, material and immaterial
さまざまな種類の財産, つまり不動産と人的財産, 固定資産と動産, 有形財産と無形財産.
【雑】(2) 特質, 特性.【動詞+】- The properties of DDT as an insecticide were not discovered until 1939. DDT
の殺虫剤としての特性は 1939 年まで発見されなかった
【形容詞 名詞+】- She began to understand the powerful healing properties of understanding and acceptance that she got from peers in her group.
- The research confirmed marijuana's medical properties in treating glaucoma.
- All these chemicals share to some extent the same therapeutic properties.
【前置詞+】- The acidity of water in soil is essentially determined by the properties of the soil through which it moves.
【+前置詞】- analyze the properties of a substance
- Not only will you forfeit your property, but you may be subject to a fine.
property 意味
発音記号: [ 'prɔpəti ]発音を聞く propertyの例文
- property n.
(1) 財産, 資産, 所有物; 所有地, 地所; 〔法律〕 所有権, 所有.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- daishoro (great bell tower ) (important cultural property )
大鐘楼(重要文化財) - those will become the country's property .
《相続人が現れなければ 結果的に国のもんになっちまう》 - oh , well , they find it to be intellectual property theft .
知的所有権侵害? - the gas cloud spread across their sixacre property .
ガスは 7300坪の敷地に広がり - it creates a reality of money , property , government
意識は お金とか資産とか政府 ―
- "properties of sound" 意味
- "properties of water" 意味
- "properties put to use for business" 意味
- "properties screen" 意味
- "propertius" 意味
- "property (asset) value" 意味
- "property account" 意味
- "property accountability" 意味
- "property accumulation" 意味
- "properties screen" 意味
- "propertius" 意味
- "property (asset) value" 意味
- "property account" 意味