- "I was not comfortable to talk in front of a lot of people like that." "What are you talking about? Everyone was raving about your speech even on the next day!"
あいつはおまえの母さんの悪口を言ってたぞ: He was bad-mouthing your mother.
そんなふうに褒めてもらってうれしい: be happy to hear such compliments
どうやってそんなにたくさんの人と知り合いになったんですか?: How'd you get to know so many people?
みんなの前でキースに恥かかせたくないのよ。キースはもうたくさんの人を招待しちゃったし、みんなに私が料理するって言っちゃったのよ!: I don't wanna embarrass him in front of everyone. He already invited a lot of people, and he already told them that I'm cooking!
最近、永作博美をテレビで見るたびになんかドキドキしちゃうんだ: I don't know why but lately, whenever I see Hiromi Nagasaku on TV, my heart gets beating.
何だって?おまえ、何言ってんだよ?あの人はオレのもんだ!おまえは若いばか女どもと寝てろ!: What the hell? What are you talking about? She's mine! You go sleep with young and stupid chicks!
彼がそんなふうに感じてるなんて思ってもみなかった。: I would have never guessed he had felt that way.
どうしてそんなふうに考えるんだよ?あのなあ。彼女はおまえに対してこの上なく失礼だったんだぞ。理由が何であれ、おまえを無視するべきじゃなかったよ。おまえ、怒ってないのか?: How can you think like that? Look. She was absolutely rude to you. No matter what the reason was, she shouldn't have ignored you. Aren't you upset?
うん。おまえのこと待ってたんだよ!: Yep. We were waiting for you.
それで、ええと、段がたくさん入っているもっと長い髪型もあって、これもとても気に入っているんです。こんなふうに、段がたくさん入っているの。: So, um, there's one that's longer, with lots of layers, and then I really like...this. So it has lots..., lots of layers.
「おまえまだタバコ吸ってんの?もうやめたって言ってたと思ったけど」「そのつもりだったんだけどさあ、そんな一晩でやめられるようなもんじゃないんだよなあ」: "Are you still smoking? I thought you said you already quit." "I was going to, but you know, it's not an overnight process."
あんなふうにふるまってすみません: I'm sorry I acted that way.
いつからそんなふうに思ってたの?: How long have you felt this way?
何言ってんだおまえ?おまえはまだ22だ。やつみたいな年取ってるやつと結婚なんてするな。お父さんがもっと若いの見つけてやるよ。: What are you talking about? You are only 22. You don't want to marry an old guy like him! I'll find you a younger one.
あんなふうに: 1. in that way 2. like that 3. that way