- "Boys take after their mothers, and girls take after their fathers." "That's not always true. I've seen many girls who look just like their mothers."〔夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
この子はお父さんについてくべきかなあ?: Should she go with him?〔離婚しようとしている親が子を思って〕
分かったよ。でもご近所さんに失礼のないようにな。あの子はおまえの子じゃないんだからな?: OK, but don't be rude to the neighbors. He's not your child, OK?
あなたの目、お父さんにそっくりね。/目[目元]がお父さんにそっくりね。: You have your father's eyes.
「この写真の子はジムじゃない?」「たぶん、彼に似ている誰か[よその子]だよ」: "This picture is Jim, isn't it." " It's probably someone who favors him."
そうね… じゃあお母さんにあのこと話さないと。あの子と海行く計画立ててたでしょ?1日じゃ帰ってこられないから、どっか泊まるのね…: OK... Then I have to tell Mom about that. You were planning to go to the beach with her, right? You can't come back in one day, so you'll stay somewhere...
あの女の子はだれ?: Who is that girl?
いいじゃないか。女の子はお人形が欲しくて、男の子はガンが欲しいもんさ。一つ買わせてやれよ。オレが小さい頃はガン持ってたよ。: That's OK. Girls want dolls and boys want guns. Let him get one. I used to have some toy guns when I was little.
「君みたいにかわいい女の子は見たことがない」「誰にでもそう言ってるんでしょ」: "You have the prettiest face I've ever seen." "Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls."
あの子はたくさんの男の子と付き合ったけど、ほとんどの恋は長続きしなかったんだって: She had dated with so many boys, but almost all of her romances were short-lived.
戦争中はね、たくさんの子どもがお父さんやお母さんをなくしたのよ。それにたくさんの親が子どもをなくしたしね。: When we were at war, many kids lost their parents. Also, many parents lost their kids.〔親→子〕
ああ、うん。彼女は見たことあると思うわ。あなた、たくさんのドラマを見るのね?: Oh, yeah. I think I've seen her. You watch a lot of dramas, don't you?
お父さんもそうなんだよ! だから台所に来たんだ! でもお母さんには内緒だよ、いいね?: Neither did I! That's why I'm here but don't tell Mom about this, OK?
ええ、わかんないわよ。お母さんにはおかしく見えるわ。: No, I don't understand. That doesn't look good to me.
5歳の子どもがやるべきことって、ほかにたくさんあると思うけどな…: There must be many other things he should be doing at the age of 5.
なんだよ、ロン!誰かがやらなきゃいけないことだろ!今日はお母さんがいないんだから、ちょっとはお父さんの手伝いしてくれよ。: Come on, Ron! Someone has to do it! Mom is not here tonight, so help me out a little bit.