いすに腰掛けて足を床に置く: rest one's feet flat on the floor いすに腰掛ける: 1. perch oneself on a chair 2. sit in a chair 3. sit on a chair 足を床に付ける: rest one's feet flat on the floor 足を床に付けて座る: sit with one's foot on the floor〔両足の場合は複数形の feet を用いる〕 小さないすに腰掛けている: be perched on a little chair 座り心地の良いいすに腰掛ける: sit in a comfortable chair いすに手足を広げて腰掛けているのを見る: find someone sprawled out in a chair〔人が〕 乱暴にいすに腰を掛ける: slump into one's seat ベッドに腰掛ける: sit on the bed ベンチに腰掛ける: sit down on a bench 川の縁に腰掛ける: sit on the margin of a river 木の叉に腰掛ける: sit in the fork of a tree 窓辺に腰掛ける: sit on a windowsill 縁先に腰掛ける: sit on the edge of the veranda 片足を床にしっかりと付ける: put one foot firmly on the floor