- Well, obviously we should invite Anne, and maybe Barbara, and Charlie, and Derick.
あとそれから、地下鉄の駅の漢字はもちろんたくさん覚えたわよ。: And then of course I've memorized a lot of the kanji for the subway stops.
ああ、もちろん。構わないよ。ええと、どんな財布なの?: Uh, yeah, sure. No problem. Well, what does your wallet look like?
もちろん!でも残念だけどもう帰らなくちゃ…: Yes, I am! But I'm afraid I have to go now...
ええ、もちろんです。: Oh, I will.
兵どもが夢のあと。夏が終わったら海岸をきれいにしなくちゃね。: It's time to come out of the dream. We have to clean up the beaches after the summer.
それはもちろんよ。: Oh, absolutely.
もちろん、注意しなくちゃいけないわよ。でもこの技術は私たちの生活をよりゆとりあるものにしてくれるのよ。: Sure, you have to be careful. But this technology makes our lives easier.
共同事業当時はもちろんそれ以前から: during the days of the joint venture and before
「幸せ?」「もちろん!」: "Are you happy?" "Am I ever!"
はい、もちろん。: Yes, of course.
もちろん: もちろん 勿論 of course certainly naturally
もちろん 1: 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. not to speak of 10. nothing to it 11. of
もちろん。: 1. Definitely. 2. Of course. もちろん 1 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. no
もちろんさ!: Of course I did!
もちろんだ: 【間投】 shitsure〈卑〉