- Yes, I am! But I'm afraid I have to go now...
そろそろ行かなくちゃ。/もう帰らなきゃ。/もう行かなくちゃ。/もう失礼しなきゃ: (It is) Time (for me) to shove off. / (I) Got to shove off〔 【用法】 帰るときに使う言葉〕
もちろん。でもちゃんと順番を待つのよ。: Sure, but you have to wait for your turn.
時計を見て! もう帰らなきゃ: Look at the time! I'd better be going home.
もう行かなくては(なりません)。/もう帰らなくては(なりません)。: 1. I have to go. {1} 2. I have to run. 3. I've got to go [run, rush] (now).
もちろん、注意しなくちゃいけないわよ。でもこの技術は私たちの生活をよりゆとりあるものにしてくれるのよ。: Sure, you have to be careful. But this technology makes our lives easier.
「もう1本頼もうか」「もちろん」: "Shall we order another bottle?" "By all means."
ええと、もちろんアンを招待しなくちゃね、それから多分バーバラと、チャーリー、あとデリックね。: Well, obviously we should invite Anne, and maybe Barbara, and Charlie, and Derick.
トム、もちろん、嫌なら手伝わなくていいんだよ。でも、はっきりさせておくけど、君の方から志願したんだよ: Of course, Tom, you don't have to help out if you don't want to. But just to keep the record straight, you volunteered.
でも何も変わらないのさ! というか、もちろん、1人や2人は辞任するだろうけど、それで終わりなんだから。: But nothing changes! I mean, sure, there will be one or two resignations, but that's all.
もちろん知ってるわ。でも……: Of course I know, but ...
「幸せ?」「もちろん!」: "Are you happy?" "Am I ever!"
はい、もちろん。: Yes, of course.
もちろん: もちろん 勿論 of course certainly naturally
もちろん 1: 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. not to speak of 10. nothing to it 11. of
もちろん。: 1. Definitely. 2. Of course. もちろん 1 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. no