お世辞使いが笛を吹けば、悪魔が踊りだす。/お世辞に乗せられると、身の破滅を招く。: When the flatterer pipes, then the devil dances. お世辞に: in compliment お世辞に弱い: susceptible to flattery 我が身の破滅を招く: bring ruin on [upon] oneself 遅れは、身の破滅を招く。: Late-comers are shent. お世辞: お世辞 おせじ flattery compliment お世辞使いに勝てる者はいない。: No foe to a flatterer. 歯の浮くようなお世辞: 1. flattering words that put me on edge 2. nauseating flattery 中身のないお世辞: empty compliment 走り狂う馬は、墓穴のようなもの。: A running horse is an open grave. お世辞にうんざりする: be put off by someone's flattery〔人の〕 太り過ぎたブタは、自らの身の破滅を招く。: A swine over fat, is the cause of his own bane. 見え透いたお世辞: 1. artificial ompliment 2. obvious flattery 3. transparent compliment お世辞を言われる: accept a compliment 破滅を招く: 1. invite destruction 2. ruin oneself