- experience being someone else for a while
しばらくの間横になる: lie down for a while
しばらくの間~の仕事をする: serve a brief stint as
しばらくの間: 1. bit 2. for a certain time 3. for a little 4. for a long moment 5. for a season 6. for a short period 7. for some little time 8. in a (little) while 9. interim 10. interim period 11. spell 12. sto
しばらくの間いなくなる: become invisible for brief periods of time
しばらくの間転任する: be temporarily transferred to
しばらくの間~を吹聴する: trumpet ~ loud and long
しばらくの間~を喧伝する: trumpet ~ loud and long
ここしばらくの間: 1. for some time (past) 2. in [for] the foreseeable future
しばらくの間休む: 1. lie down for a while 2. rest for a short spell
しばらくの間顔を見せなくなる: become invisible for brief periods of time
しばらくの: 【形】 brief
しばらくの間ボーッとする: 1. be in a daze for a few seconds 2. lose oneself for a moment
しばらくの間思考を停止する: suspend belief for a while
しばらくの間~として勤務する: serve for a period of time as
今後しばらくの間ますます~に流入する: increasingly flow into ~ for some time to come