deteriorate the already-strained relationship between the two countries
すでに緊張している関係をさらに悪化させる: aggravate a relationship already under strain すでに緊張状態の関係: already-strained relationship 関係を悪化させる: jeopardize relations with〔~との〕 二国間関係を発展させる: 1. develop bilateral ties 2. develop one's bilateral relationship かなりの緊張下にある関係をさらに悪化させる: aggravate a relationship under considerable strain 両国の関係を悪化させる: aggravate relations between the two neighbors 両国関係を悪化させる 1: complicate bilateral relations 両国関係を悪化させる 2 deteriorate bilateral relations with〔~との〕 相互関係を悪化させる: worsen bilateral relations 経済関係を悪化させる: complicate economic relations ~間の関係を悪化させる: aggravate the relationship between 二国間の情勢を悪化させる: aggravate the situation between the two countries 状態を悪化させる: 1. aggravate the condition of 2. worsen the condition of〔~の〕 すでに感じている不安を悪化させる: exacerbate the anxieties that someone already feels〔人が〕 二国間関係を正常化させるために真剣に取り組む: work seriously to normalize bilateral ties 外交関係の緊張を悪化させる: exacerbate the diplomatic tensions