- Yeah, I agree ... and it's so romantic she married the director!
私もそう思うわ。ウランを、簡単なアルミのバケツの中で混ぜてたなんて、信じられない。: I wondered about that myself. It's hard to believe they were mixing uranium in simple aluminum buckets.
私もそう思う。/同感だね。: I get that feeling, too.
それは確かにロマンチックそうだね。その番組に出たい?: That does sound romantic. Do you want to be on the program?
どうしようもなくロマンチックな: incurably romantic
そういうこと。それにジェフはもう結婚してるから。残念でした。: Yep. Also, Jeff is already married. Too bad.
私もそう思っていた。: That's what I was thinking, too.
私もそう思う。両親はそろって美男美女だもの、彼女もそうに違いないわ。: I agree. Because her parents are both good-looking, she must be as well.
オレもそう思う。帰らなきゃ。あとで電話する。: I think so, too. I gotta go. I'll call you later.
そう思う: 1. see it that way 2. think so
そう思う? 安心したわ: You think so? That's a relief.
わかんない… 私は結婚したいんだけど、相手が見つからないのよね。何か結婚するともっと幸せになれそうじゃない?そう思わない?: I don't know... I wanna get married, but I just can't find anyone I wanna marry. I feel like I can be happier if I get married. Don't you think so?
一度家を出たら、一日中家には帰らないし、それに……そうよね、立ち止まらないと。: Once you leave your house, you're out of your house for the day, and it's...it's, yeah, you have to stop.
「彼が悪いよね」「そう思う」: "He's wrong, isn't he?" "I think so."
そのとおりです。/私もそう思います。/まあそうでしょうね: I'd say so.
結婚しそうな: 【形】 marrying