- The top executives of that company were fired after the scandal.
会社の最高幹部: the highest executive in the company
退職させられる: be forced out of work
最高幹部: 1. the highest echelon 2. the powers that be are ordained of God." の「存在する権威」から 3. top executive 4. top machine 5. top-ranking official
休職させられる: be temporarily suspended
不祥事に襲われた会社: scandal-hit firm
一連の不祥事: a string of scandals
企業の不祥事: corporate scandals
数々の不祥事: a string of scandals
警察の不祥事: 1. police scandal 2. police's misbehavior
その男の、たちの悪い冗談にはうんざりさせられた: The man's bad jokes were tiresome.
一連の不祥事の責任を取って辞任する: resign to take the blame for a series of scandals
一連の不祥事の責任を取る: take a responsibility for a series of scandals
数々の不祥事の責任を取る: take a responsibility for a series of scandals
たるんだ幹部たち: lazy executives
自民党幹部たち: leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party