leave the case to the authorities who are there in their jurisdiction
その事件を警察に任せる: put the matter in the hands of the police その事件を警察の手に任せる: put the case in the hands of the police 権限のある当局: supervisory authority 当局はその事件を解決できなかった。: Law enforcement was not able to solve the crime. 管轄権の欠如: lack of jurisdiction その件を調停に任せるよう提案する: propose to submit the matter to arbitration その事件をはっきりさせる: throw light on the case 事件を検察当局に送検する: send the case to the prosecutor's office みに任せる: rely solely on〔人の〕 運に任せる: 運に任せる うんにまかせる to trust to luck その仕事を(人)に任せる: commit the task to その問題を(人)に任せる: drop the problem in someone's lap その事件を再調査する: review the case again その事件を捜査中で: on the case その事件を裁判にかける: bring the case into court