その事件を警察の手に任せる: put the case in the hands of the police その事件を管轄権のある当局に任せる: leave the case to the authorities who are there in their jurisdiction 暴行事件を警察に訴える: report a raping incident to the police その男のことを警察に知らせる: inform the police about the man その学区は学内での申し立てられた刑事事件を警察に報告しないと非難されている: The district has come under fire for not reporting to police alleged criminal incidents on campus. その学区は学内での疑惑の刑事事件を警察に報告しないと非難されている: The district has come under fire for not reporting to police alleged criminal incidents on campus. その件を調停に任せるよう提案する: propose to submit the matter to arbitration 業務上横領容疑でその事件を警視庁に告発する: report the case to the Metropolitan Police Department on suspicion of professional embezzlement その事件をはっきりさせる: throw light on the case みに任せる: rely solely on〔人の〕 運に任せる: 運に任せる うんにまかせる to trust to luck その仕事を(人)に任せる: commit the task to その問題を(人)に任せる: drop the problem in someone's lap うそのストーカー被害を警察に訴える: make up the fictitious stalking incidents and call police 銃を警察に届ける: hand a gun over to the police