- The negotiation proceeded fairly smoothly.
支障なく: 支障なく adv. without a hitch 《略式》. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 支障)
支障なく 1: 1. with no difficulty 2. without (a) hindrance 3. without (a) hitch 4. without any problem 5. without trouble 支障なく 2 【副】 1. freely 2. safely
その交渉は難航している: The talks are proceeding with difficulty.
支障なく使える: function well
支障なく動作する: function well
その交渉は、終戦に結び付かなかった。: The negotiation didn't end war.
支障なく役割を果たす: function well
その厄介な交渉は一日中緊迫した状態だった: The prickly negotiations were tense all day long.
その交渉は両国間の関係を発展させる良い土台となった。: The negotiation provided the good base for the further relationship between both countries.
支障なければ: Deo volente〈ラテン語〉
暴力は社会で支障なく受け入れられる。: Violence is OK and acceptable in society.
両国間の交渉はしばしば失敗している。: A lot of times negotiations broke down across both countries.
二国間の交渉は最終的に流れた: The negotiations between the two nations were finally aborted.
故障なく: 1. all right 2. without (a) hitch 3. without accident
その件に関する和解交渉は失敗した: Settlement talks in the case broke down.