The deeply religious man had a sense of communion with God.
信心深い男: God-fearing man その信心深い男性たちには、高尚なミサだけで使う特別な隠語があった: The religious men had a special cant used only for high services. 信心深い: 信心深い しんじんぶかい deeply religious devout godly faithful 信心深い人: 1. firm believer in religion 2. godly people 3. pious soul 4. religious person 信心深い人々: religious people 信心深い夫婦: religious couple 信心深い女性: pious woman 信心深い家庭: pious family 信心深い性質: pious disposition その背の高い男性は少し腰を落として彼女と握手した: The tall man stooped slightly to shake hands with her. その尼僧は信心深さと謙虚さで知られていた: The nun was known for her piety and her humility. 極めて信心深い: deeply religious その男性は下痢をしていたので、しばしばトイレに行った: The man often went to the bathroom because he had diarrhea. 信心深い祖父は、安楽日には踊ろうとしなかった: My religious grandfather would not dance on the Sabbath. 信心深いキリスト教徒: devout Christian