- The holy man meditated constantly about the transitory nature of life.
聖職者はしばしば大統領に助言を行う: Clergymen often advise the president.
はしばし: はしばし 端端 odds and ends all every
読者はしばしば新聞社に手紙を書く: Readers often send letters to newspapers.
~についてはしばらくおくとして: ignoring ~ for the moment
生命の尊厳についての思慮がない: give no consideration for the life
生活態度や言葉遣いなどについて(人)をしかることがしばしばある: yell at someone quite often for his poor attitude and foul language
命のはかなさ: fleetingness of life
そのカメラマンはしばしば監督とぶつかった: The cameraman often butted heads with his director.
しばしば: しばしば 屡 屡屡 屡々 often again and again frequently
しばしば 1: 1. as often as not 2. at short intervals 3. every now and again〔この時間感覚は非常に漠然としており使う人によって異なる〕 4. every now and then 5. every so often 6. half the time 7. many a time 8. more often than not 9. not inf
しばしばの: 【形】 frequent〔 【frequent に結び付く名詞(頻度順)】 flyer, guest, heartburn, visitor, trips, target, critic, contributor〕
教会の聖職者: church clergy
解放の聖職者: liberation priest
高位の聖職者: church dignitary
しばしば緊張した関係: oft-strained ties