ここは私がおごるよ。/勘定は私が持ちます: This [It's, It will be] my treat. 私がおごるよ。/勘定は私が持ちます: This [It's, It will be] my treat. (ここは)私がおごるよ。/、勘定は私が持ちます。: It's on the house〔 【語源】 酒場の店主が「酒代は店(house)が持つ」と言ったところから。◆ 【同】 It's on me. ; This [It's, It will be] my treat.〕 うん、おごるよ!: I will! 1杯おごるよ: May [Can] I buy you a drink? / I'll buy you a drink. / Let me get [buy] you a drink. / Allow me to buy you a drink. 一杯おごるよ。: I'll treat you to a drink. 勘定は私が持ちます。/私がごちそうします。/おごるよ: I'll treat you. それじゃ家まで送るよ。: I'll take you home then. それじゃ: それじゃ well well then in that case それじゃあ: それじゃあ adv. ?それでは ビールをおごるよ。: I'll buy you a beer. おごる: おごる 傲る to be proud 奢る to give (someone) a treat それじゃまるで私が無能みたいじゃないか。: That's not very far short of saying that I am good for nothing. 「それじゃあ」「じゃあね」: "Take it easy." "Thanks. You, too."〔別れるときのあいさつ〕 お昼ご飯をおごるよ。: I'll treat you to lunch.