- We were just talking about you. You've lost some weight recently, so we were wondering how you did that.
どうやってあんな傷ができたのかは分からないの。あの子が帰ってきた時血がでてたから、ばんそうこうを貼ったの。どうしたのって聞いたんだけど、あの子何も言わなかったのよ。: I don't know how he got that. He came home bleeding, so I put a bandaid on. I asked him what happened, but he didn't say anything.
そう。じゃああんたは彼女でも何でもなかったってことよ。電話番号知らなかったんだから、友達でさえもないでしょうね。あんたはね、ただ夢見てたのよ。: OK. Then you were not his girlfriend or anything. You were not even a friend because you don't know his number! You were just dreaming.
「うわっ!あんたのお昼ご飯!力士にでもなろうとしてんの?」「そんなこと言わないでよ!これは私の朝ご飯と昼ご飯なの!今朝ギリギリまで寝てたから、朝ご飯食べられなかったのよ」: "Wow! Look at your lunch! Are you trying to become a Sumo wrestler or something?" "Don't say that! This is my breakfast, and lunch! I slept until the last minute this morning, so I couldn't get brea
「ジュディ、どうして昨日の夜、彼があんたの家にいたの?あんたたち付き合い始めたの?」「違うよ、彼はただの便利屋。昨日の夜は彼にトイレ直してもらってたんだ」: "Hey Judy, how come he was at your place last night? Did you guys started dating?" "No, he is just a handy man. He was fixing a toilet last night."
なんであんたは、いつもそうやって頑固なのよ?ごめんっていいなさいよ!今日は早く帰って来るから、それで夕飯もいるって言ってたじゃない。だから私待ってたのよ!: Why are you always stubborn like that? Just say sorry! You said you were gonna be back early tonight and you wanted dinner, so I was waiting for you!
うん、それで現金も使っちゃったわ。あんたが私の彼氏奪ったから、私もあんたから何か奪わないといけなかったのよ。こういう人間なの、私。: Yep, and I spent all the cash you had. Well, you took my boyfriend, so I needed to take something from you. This is who I am.
どうしてたのよ、リン?: What's going on, Lynn?
あんたの声が聞きたかったから。あんたとただ話がしたかったからよ。でももうそんなふうに思えない!: Coz I wanted to hear your voice. Coz I just wanted to talk to you, but not anymore!
目立つでしょ。分かってんだけどさあ~、どうしてもベートーベンみたいな髪型したかったのよ。: My hairstyle is wonderful, isn't it? I know that, but I wanted to set my hair so that I looked like Beethoven.
ねえエド、あんた山で遭難したって聞いたけど? 何があったのよ?: Hey Ed, I heard that you got lost in the mountain?! What happened?
あんたって本当に裏切り者だね!授業をサボって私と映画見に行くって言ってたのに!: You are such a sell out! You said you would skip the class and go to the movie with me!
最近何かありましたか。/最近どうしてたの?/最近はどうですか?: What have you been up to lately [recently, these days]?〔あいさつ〕
どうしてたの?: What's in the bag?〔あいさつ〕
あらあ!すごく古かったから、捨てようと思ってたのよ… ごめんね、ジェーン。あなたに言っておけば良かったね。: Oh, no! I was going to throw it away because it was pretty old. Sorry, Jane. I should have told you.
クラウディア!どうして今日の会議に来なかったのかい?君が来なかったから、みんながっかりしてたよ。: Claudia! Why didn't you come to the meeting today? We were very disappointed that you didn't show up.