- feel one's own lips curling in [into] a smile as realization that〔that以下〕
と知って口元に笑みが浮かぶのを自覚する: feel one's own lips curling in [into] a smile as realization that〔that以下〕
と分かって口元に笑みが浮かぶのを感じる: feel one's own lips curling in [into] a smile as realization that〔that以下〕
と知って口元に笑みが浮かぶのを感じる: feel one's own lips curling in [into] a smile as realization that〔that以下〕
彼の口元に笑みが浮かんだ。: His mouth formed itself into a smile.
口元に笑みを作る: frame one's mouth into a smile
かすかな笑みが浮かび始めるのを目にする: see the beginnings of a faint smile
帰属を自覚する: gain a sense of belonging
必要性を自覚する: realize the need to〔~する〕
責任を自覚する: 1. realize one's responsibility 2. recognize one's responsibility 3. take one's responsibilities to heart
口元に浮かべた笑み: smile playing on someone's lips
改革の必要性を自覚する: become aware of a need for reform
社会的な責任を自覚する: be aware of one's social responsibility
職務上の責任を自覚する: be conscious of one's official responsibility
自分の立場を自覚する: think of one's own position
自分の行動を自覚する: recognize what one has done