sincerely appreciate someone's good wishes and thoughtfulness in writing〔人から〕
~への心遣いに深く感謝する: cordially appreciate someone's thinking of〔人の〕 (主語を)~に招待してくれたことに対し深く感謝する: sincerely appreciate someone's inviting one to〔人が〕 心遣いに感謝する: 1. appreciate someone's support 2. appreciate someone's thoughtfulness 3. thank someone for his thoughtfulness〔人の〕 ~における晩餐会に招いてくれたことに対し深く感謝する: sincerely appreciate someone's invitation to the dinner of〔人が〕 温かい心遣いに感謝する: be appreciative of someone's thoughtfulness〔人の〕 深く感謝する: gratefully acknowledge ~ with deepest appreciation〔~に〕 それに対し深く感謝いたします: for which please accept our sincere thanks 対する大変な心遣いに心から感謝する: appreciate someone's great consideration for〔~に〕 優しい心遣いに深く感動する: be deeply touched with someone's kind thoughts〔人の〕 さまざまな心遣いに感謝する: be grateful for someone's many kindnesses〔人の〕 気に掛けてくれた(人)の心遣いに感謝する: thank someone for remembering〔~を〕 関しての(人)の心遣いに感謝する: appreciate someone's concern for〔~に〕 ご愛顧に深く感謝する: greatly value someone's patronage〔人の〕 努力に深く感謝する: deeply grateful for someone's efforts〔人の〕 受け取り深く感謝する: receive ~ with great appreciation〔~を〕