- See? This is what I was afraid of. You always get tired of your toys. I don't want to buy any more.
言おうと思ってたけど忘れてた。怒ってる?でも遅いよ。もう買っちゃったから。: I was going to tell you, but I forgot. Are you angry? Well, it's too late. I already bought it.
あなたにあげようと思ってたから、まあいいんだけどね。あなたが簡単に食べられるよう、小さく割ってあげようと思ってたの。: Well, I was going to give them to you, so that's OK. I was going to break them into pieces so that you could eat them more easily.
でもあなた、今自分をボロボロにしているじゃない。奥さんとはくつろげないんでしょ、だからここにくるんじゃない。でもあなたはいつも奥さんのことで悩んで。: But you are wearing yourself out now. You never feel comfortable with her, and that's why you come here. But you are always worried about her.
もう!ロン!次の日にはすごく臭くなっちゃうんだから!明日あなたに洗わせるからね!いいね?: Ron, it gets smelly if you leave it until the next day. You wash your lunchbox tomorrow. OK?
こうなるといつも思っていた。: I always knew that this could happen.
私はいつもあなたを助けてあげるのに、どうして御礼の一つもないの?: How come I'm always helping you out and I never get anything back?
いつかこうなると思っていた: had assumed that this would eventually happen
ルーシー、いい?動物は生きているのよ。あなたと同じで、寝たり食べたりするし、おしっこやうんちもするの。ちゃんと世話してあげないといけないのよ。でもママは、あなたはまだ小さいからちゃんと世話できないと思うのよ。: You know, Lucy. Animals are alive. They eat, sleep, pee and poop just like you. They are not like dolls. You have to take good care of them. I don't think you are old enough to do that.
トミーが欲しいもの、何でも買っちゃうんだから。: They get whatever Tommy wants.〔子どもに何でも買い与える親について〕
おもちゃ売り場に来ちゃったからには、何か買ってやらないとなあ。: Now that we are here in the toy section, I have to buy him something.〔親が子どもについて話す〕
あのパズルは簡単すぎるよ。誰がやってもアッという間にできちゃうんだから: That puzzle is too simple! Anyone could solve it within a New York minute.
あなたは病欠かと思ってた。: You were taking a sick day.
分かった… でも私があの子の面倒をいつも見てるの、当たり前だと思わないでよね。私だってあなたと同じように、フルタイムで働いてるんだからね。: OK... But don't take it for granted that I always watch him. I'm working full-time, just like you.
うん。もうすぐ上がるよ。髪洗ってあげないと。: Yeah, she's almost ready. I need to wash her hair.
あら、定期券切れちゃったのね。新しいの買ってあげないと。: Oh, your pass has expired. I have to get you a new one.〔親→子〕