- take a direct route back home
まっすぐ家に帰る: 1. make a beeline for home 2. take a direct route home
仕事が終わると真っすぐに家に帰る: come straight home after work
まっすぐに家に戻る: take a direct route back home
真っすぐ家に帰る: 1. go right home 2. go straight back home 3. go straight home
すぐに家に帰るよう(人)に言う: tell someone to return home immediately
車で真っすぐ家に帰る: drive directly home (from)〔~から〕
退社後真っすぐ家に帰る: head straight home after work
すぐに帰る: come back soon
まっすぐに: まっすぐに adv. ①[一直線に] **straight まっすぐに, 一直線に∥ stand straight まっすぐに立つ / fly straight as an arrow まっすぐに飛んで行く / Go straight until you come to a crossroads. 交差点に行き着くまでまっすぐに行きなさい / The paper doesn't t
寄り道せず真っすぐ家に帰る: go straight back home
真っすぐ家に帰る気になる: face thought of going straight home
すぐに家に帰らないと、大変なことになる。: If I'm not home soon, I'll get in trouble.
まっすぐに 1: 【副】 1. direct 2. directly 3. fair 4. square 5. straight 6. straight through 7. straightforward まっすぐに 2 straight up and down〔背筋などを〕
週末ごとに家に帰る: travel home on weekends
彼は私を一目見るなりすぐに家に帰した。: He took one look at me and immediately sent me home.