もう我慢の限界だ。/もう我慢できない。/もういやだ。/もうたくさんだ。/もううんざりだ。: I have had it.
堪忍袋の尾が切れる: lose [run out of] one's patience with〔~に〕
もう我慢できない: 1. can stand it no longer 2. have had it up to here 3. not take it any more 4. patience has ceased to be a virtue もう我慢できない。 1. I have stood it as long as I can. 2. We've run out of patience. もう我慢
もう我慢できない。: 1. I have stood it as long as I can. 2. We've run out of patience. もう我慢できない 1. can stand it no longer 2. have had it up to here 3. not take it any more 4. patience has ceased to be a virtue もう我慢で
もう我慢できない!: I've had it up to here!〔首の所に手を水平に当てながら言う〕 もう我慢できない 1. can stand it no longer 2. have had it up to here 3. not take it any more 4. patience has ceased to be a virtue もう我慢できない。 1. I have stood it
もう我慢できない。/もう耐えられない: I can't take it anymore!
もうダメ!我慢できない!あなた、上の人に静かにするように言ってくれない?: That's it! I can't stand it! Honey, can you tell the people upstairs to be quiet?
なんてことをしでかしてくれたんだ。/よくもそんなことができたな。/どうやってできたの?: How could you?
あなたにはもう我慢できない。: I have had it with you.
あー、もう我慢できない!トミー!片付けなさい!: I can't take it anymore! Tommy, clean up your mess!〔親→子〕
もう~が我慢できない: be unable to stand ~ any longer
あの最後の間違いで堪忍袋の緒が切れたよ: That last mistake was the straw that broke the camel's back.
もうたくさんだ 1: 1. I've had (more than) enough. 2. I've had enough. 3. have had it もうたくさんだ 2 【間投】 basta もうたくさんだ。 1. I can't take it any more. 2. I have heard enough of this.
もうたくさんだ。: 1. I can't take it any more. 2. I have heard enough of this. もうたくさんだ 1 1. I've had (more than) enough. 2. I've had enough. 3. have had it もうたくさんだ 2 【間投】 basta
もうたくさんだよ: I'm fed up with that.