- Gee, I almost didn't recognize you. Those platform shoes make you look so tall.
そこがアメリカの間違っているところだと思うんだ。つまり、たくさんの母親たちが、多くの人たちはそうしなければならないからという理由で、また何人かは自分がそうしたいという理由で、仕事に出ていく、でもそのおかげで、われわれは労働者としてはレベルが上がったけど、今や親としてはレベルが下がっちゃったと思うんだ。: That's what's wrong with America, I think, is that a lot of the mothers are going into the workplace 'cause a lot of them have to and some of them want to and so we're better workers but we're worse
明日会社来られないかなあ?非常事態なんだよ。お母さんがすごく具合悪いからって、サムはお母さんのところだし、ウィルはまだ休暇から戻ってないんだ。ジョーが明日来るはずだったんだけど、ヨーロッパのお客のところにまだいるんだよ!: Will you come to work tomorrow? This is an emergency. Sam is out of town because his Mom is dying, and Will is not back from the vacation yet. Joe was supposed to come to work tomorrow, but he's sti
危ないところだった: 1. have a close shave [call] 2. have a close-set (of it) 3. have a narrow [hairbreadth, hair's-breadth] escape (from death)
「なぜ彼はそこへ行ったんだろう」「そこが分からないところなんだ」: "How come he went there?" "It's the way I hold my mouth"
でも、そのおかげで有利な点も多いと思うんです。: But I do think that because of that I've had a lot of benefits as well.〔一見不利に思える事柄について。〕
「あら、この乗り物に乗るには、トミー背丈が足りないわ…」「なんだって?!トミー、背筋をまっすぐにしてみろ!背が高く見えるかもしれないぞ」: "Oh, he's not quite tall enough to ride this." "What? Tommy, stand up straight. You might look taller."〔子どものいる夫婦の会話(妻→夫)(遊園地で)〕
難しいところだね。: Maybe, maybe not.
君が一緒にいてくれなかったら、私はどうなっていたか分からないよ。神経が参っちまって、何かをしでかすところだったよ: I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along. I was all bottled up, pretty damn close to doing something.
~のおかげで: 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of ~のおかげで。 It's thanks to
~のおかげで。: It's thanks to ~のおかげで 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of
本当だよ。そしてこれらのスキャンダルのおかげで、国会は法案をあまり通せないでいるんだから。: I know. And because of the scandals, the Diet isn't able to pass much legislation.
プロローグは、その本の一番面白いところだった: The prologue was the most interesting part of the book.
見ないと分からないよ。: 1. It's the kind of thing you have to see to understand. 2. You've got to see it to believe it.
趣味のおかげで話題には困らない。: My hobby always gives me something to talk about.
すごくかわいい赤ちゃんだったんだね!: You were such a cute baby.