- I don't know... You know how busy I am. I need to work this weekend, too.
どうしてこんな遅くまで働かなくちゃいけないの?みんなもそうなの?: Why do you have to work until this late? Is everyone working like you?
オレ、何か怖いなあ… ほら、皆にも会えなくなるし、一日中働かなくちゃいけなくなるだろう…: I'm kind of scared... You know, I won't be able to see you guys anymore, and I have to work all day...
ほら、「おまえが忙しいのは分かってるんだけどさあ、時間ができたときでいいからこれやってくれないか??」とか「おまえが忙しい時にこんなこと言うの心苦しいんだけどさ、これやってくれないかなあ?」とか、そんなんだよ。: You know, like "I know you are busy, but can you do this whenever you get a chance?" or "I hate to say this when you are busy, but will you do this for me please?"...something like that.
「勝てるかわかんないよ…」「何言ってるんだ、トミー!頑張れよ!」: "I don't know if I can win." "Come on, Tommy! Go for it!"〔子→父(騎馬戦)〕
心配いらないのよ、トミー。明日までにはかなり良くなってるだろうから。: Don't worry, Tommy. You will be a lot better by tomorrow.〔親→子(病気)〕
わかんない。たくさん買って、全部使っちゃったからなあ。少なくとも1万円は使ったかなあ…: I don't know. We bought a bunch of them, and we used all of them. At least 10,000 yen.
知ってるわよ。それにもう好きにしなさいよ!バカバカしい!何にもないのに大騒ぎしちゃって!: Yes, and do whatever you want! This is ridiculous. You are making a big deal out of nothing!
私は今週末、働かなければならない: I have to work this weekend.
わかんない。少なくとも2~3年かな。: I don't know. At least a couple of years.
ママ、冗談だって。先生が見張ってるだろうから、どこにも行けないよ。: Mom, I was just kidding. The teachers will be watching us, so we won't be able to go anywhere.
ああ、すっごい大変だよ!今週は20冊も本を読まなくちゃいけないんだ!でも楽しいよ。: Oh, it's very demanding! I've got 20 books to read this week. But it's fun.
宮沢りえは知ってるだろう? 広末涼子はこれに出るし、彼女は知ってるだろう――藤原紀香だよ。: You know Rie Miyazawa, don't you? Ryoko Hirosue is in this one, and you must know her -- Norika Fujiwara.
わかんない。すごく痒いの。: I don't know. It's really itchy.
そりゃそうだけど… でも兄さんは毎日仕事に行かなくちゃいけないんだよ。おまえは違うだろう?あと2~3カ月経ったら兄さんも自分の車買うだろうからさ、心配すんなよ。: True... But he has to go to work everyday, and you don't. I'm sure he'll get his own car within a couple of months, so don't worry.
いつもいってるだろう。: I keep telling you.